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Self regulation? or Govt Regulation ?

Ethics means self regulation and it is a pious thing which comes from within, while law is incorporating fear in the mind of individual. Need for law comes when self regulation fails and members do not practice ethical acts and behavior.

How to apply this to medical profession?
we know that enactment of law should be the last resort to regulate human selfishness.
The cross opinion about medical profession, that Doctors with noblest profession in their hands and mean mentality inside causing havoc with human lives.
Are they capable of self regulation? or 
Are those medical councils can enforce ethics in to their mindset?

How to bring sanctity in to this medical Profession?
is enforcing the laws is better than ethics&self regulation?

Let us see...
first our govt  enacted MTP act to control life threatening abortions and to control population . Then with advancement in technology ultrasound machine came which was misused by public to sex selective abortions.
so,the PNDT act was brought to correct this anomaly and it was beginning of inspector Raj. The law created fear in the minds of medical fraternity and many doctors had to face the wrath of people for refusing to disclose the sex of unborn child. Another fall out of this act was-The inspectors - who extract bribe from the honest doctors on the pretext of falsely implicating them under this draconian act. The genuine and legitimate need of USG in certain cases has become difficult and the sufferer is patient.

Human Organ Transplantation act was made to prevent the exploitation of gullible and poor patients. But this resulted in many patients being denied the transplantation.Many lives have been lost while implementing the time consuming provision of the law to get the permission.

Another misplaced law-Consumer protection law, which damaged the Doctor- Patient relationship to an extent which seems to be irreversible. Open the newspaper and you can find daily news of astronomical amount of compensation being awarded in the name of negligence by doctors. This  led to a newly coined term ‘DEFENSIVE MEDICINE” which every doctor is practicing now. Who is sufferer  - Patient and specially poor patients for whose benefit this act was promulgated. Doctors are forced to prescribe lots of  investigation to confirm the diagnosis which is clinically evident to escape the charge of negligence. 
you see, Law only recognizes evidence not the intention.

Why doctors are constantly targeted in our society?
The most talked about profession in society and media is Medical profession whether for right or wrong reasons Why is it so? Because the basic necessity for survival is food, water and good health. Our profession is one of its own kind which deals with human beings directly so every action of medical profession either bring bouquets or brickbats.
As Doctors with noble profession are capable of self regulation and as we have seen that more and more govt acts not  yielding  required purpose,the ethical  monitoring by non-corrupt MCI and self monitoring by doctor can do justice to best of both parties i.e. doctors&patients.
