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Medical R&D News....

1. "Teixobactin" new molecule fights a broad range of bacteria.
2.The possibilities that regenerative medicine will provide in the future will be endless- reprogram skin cells into proper fully-functioning  cells of any organ
3.The  cure to  inherited diseases, primarily mitochondrial, from either the mother, or the father's side is in the horizon.
4. Laser that can freeze you by  slowing down atoms. Temperature of a particular substance is determined by how fast or slow the atoms are traveling. The slower the speed of the atoms, the lower the temperature of the substance. 
5. A device  that uses lasers to measure one's blood glucose levels. This means the painful process of pricking your fingers every every now and then is redundant. 
6.Light to detect microRNA biomarkers for specific cancer. All this with just a drop of blood. The device detecting all this is then hooked up to your smart phone which will tell you what cancer you have, if at all you have cancer.
