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అమ్మ పెట్టదు ... అడుక్కో నివ్వదు ! ఇదీ మన ఆరోగ్య మినిస్ట్రీ తీరు ...

What is NORI'?
'No Obligation to Return to India’ certificate,which  will be issued henceforth to USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination) aspirants by MOH-India.

what is the importance of NORI?The NORI is needed by medical students who take up a US residency on an exchange visitor/J1 visa.
what is the difference between Residency with  J1  VISA and Residency with  H1 VISA ?with J1 VISA,One has to return back to their home country(india)for a minimum period of two years after residency. with H1 VISA they can continue in USA after completion of residency.
How the "NORI" will help the medical students?with NORI' The J1 VISA holders  need not came back to india after residency.So, to waive of the clause in  J1 VISA-(compulsory return to India for a minimum period of two years after residency), NORI" is very much necessary.

Is the brain drain of doctors,what the govt shouts is real?No. not at all.
 see,roughly 1000 doctors embarking for abroad studies every year (one third of whom eventually return to India without coercion) out of nearly 50,000 MBBS doctors produced annually.
How  can we  strongly say,that our govt violates human rights and doing false propaganda especially targeting the doctors?
  • emigration, or leaving a country for another, is a fundamental right.
  • The United Nation’s ‘The Universal Declaration of Human Rights’:“Article 13.
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.”
  • The Constitution of India: “Article 13 of the Indian Constitution states that: Laws inconsistent with or in derogation of the fundamental rights. (2) The State shall not make any law which takes away or abridges the rights conferred by this Part and any law made in contravention of this clause shall, to the extent of the contravention, be void”.
Is it true,that students from government medical colleges enjoy heftily subsidised education, which makes it their duty to pay it back through service to the nation?In our country,every stream of profession-enginering,accounting,science,language-,not only that,every walk of life -industralists,traders,corporate houses,minorities,... every group is  getting the fruits of subsidies.
so,its not worthy to discuss this "subsidy issue" exclusively in case of  medicos.

what is the root cause of students going abroad?
For higher education. for greener pastures.
The govt doesn't increase  the PG seats, because,its a puppet in the hands of private medical college even decreased the existing PG-DNB seats to increase the demand in private medical colleges.Ordinary  student can't afford to buy the PG seat by shelling out crores of money. 
when compared to this, the cost of securing residency through USMLE, is a meager. 
so ,naturally the disgusted students opt for USMLE.

Is it true for every MBBS seat,the govt expends 1.6 crores?
Totally false.
Apart from this false propaganda see in to the plight of interns and how the govt deceiving them and bleed them .
They work for 100 hours a week without a one mandatory  leave which is against the labour laws. 
 when calculated, the real value of their work,it comes to Rs. 50000/-. what is the stark truth is that they have been paid a meager Rs.10000/-month. is it not exploitation?
Remember these interns and PG s work under tremendous stressful conditions ,like 
inadequate equipments, inadequate staffing and poor hospital maintenance  and insecurity.
. Still, there is a rural service stint for doctors to pay back for their single sin i.e.opting for medical education.
 Are we seeing same type of exploitation and slavery in any other stream of career?

 The Naked Reality:
The govt.conveniently masking the reality from the society.even the media,judiciary and political parties and NGOs are repeatedly pointing fingers over the doctor community for the failure of health systems in our country.
They forgot the truth. the truth is, that the  NRI (non-resident Indian) doctors bring more than just name to the nation. India is a leading receiver of remittances (money transfer from NRIs) accounting to about 70 billion US dollars (2013-14), which even exceeds the FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) into India. Twenty-nine percent of that comes solely from North America.

Dear indian and my dear govt! .... plz wake up to the reality.

(on behalf of IMA AP,I extend my hearty thanks for using excerpts of an article by by Dr Soham D Bhaduri).
