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What if a nurse can diagnose cancer and diabetes at your doorstep?

you know, India reports the highest mortalities for cervical cancer in the world at 75,000 annually and an estimated 150,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year, as per ICMR's statement.

battery powered portable  oncology kit, a device for visualising the precancerous and cancerous lesions of uterine cervix and oral cavity costs  between 5,000-8,000, can be used in villages anywhere in the world. More so, it does not need a doctor, even a nurse can diagnose .
India has 60 million diabetic patients and 70 million more at pre-diabetes stage, as per a statement shared by ICMR. a low-cost point of care device for the detection of diabetes, comprising a glucometer and strips, will be sold at pharmaceutical stores. The glucometer will be tentatively priced at 1,000-1,200, almost half the cost of those available in the market, while the strips (used to take blood sample) will cost 5, almost a fourth of those on shelves.
