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New trends in indian health care:

Health care liaison companies:
"Healthcare is a very emotional decision-making process.
 If the patient needs good trusted treatment at fair price,they need good genuine information about where they can avail best  quality hospitals with  the best doctors at affordable price.
to fill this gap,off late some startups are functioning to deliver good liaison services and transparency between hospitals and patients. 
CrediHealth and are two such companies,which getting tied up with  hospitals and patients.

Home Health Care has been part of the Indian Health Care ecosystem for a number of years. However, the service has been very fragmented and unorganized, which has led to poor quality of care.
 to fill this gap, the professional service startups are the need of the hour.
 Extending insurance cover for home healthcare is beneficial for both the insurance company and the patient as it helps in cost cutting for both the parties. Therefore, the onus is on the government, insurance players and the home healthcare providers to change and adapt the model to make it more affordable.
