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Showing posts from March, 2015


Certificates one has to collect from medical college after completion of internship:

Dear friends welcome to the fold of IMA students wing . Its For your information - Certificates one has to collect from medical college after completion of internship:  NTRUHS MBBS degree certificate · Internship Certificate · Transfer Certificate · Clinical Clerkship Certificate · Certificate of Medical Education · Academic Certificate · Attempt certificate · Bonafide/Conduct certificate · Your caution deposit · AP Medical Council form attested by the Principal · All of your X, XII originals that you submitted while joining college.  Medical Ethics certificate. certificate one has to collect at AP Medical council:  At AP Medical Council, Koti for Permanent Registration (PR) Take a DD for Rs.2500 favouring “Andhra Pradesh Medical Council” only from Andhra Bank. Submit it along with the required enclosures and along with “Medical Ethics Certificate” (which may not be mentioned in the enclosures list) in originals and Xerox copies. The original...

Targeting drugs to diseased heart shows promise

à°—ుంà°¡ె జబ్à°¬ులకు à°•ాà°°à°£ à°®ైà°¨ à°°à°•్à°¤ à°ªోà°Ÿు ,à°·ుà°—à°°్  à°®à°°ిà°¯ు à°°à°•్à°¤ à°¨ాà°³ాà°² à°ªూà°¡ిà°• à°•ి à°®ంà°¦ుà°²ు ఉన్à°¨ాà°¯ి . à°•ాà°¨ీ, à°ªాà°¡ైà°¨ à°—ుంà°¡ె à°•ంà°¡à°°ం à°•ోà°²ు à°•ోవడాà°¨ిà°•ి సరైà°¨ à°®ంà°¦ుà°²ు à°²ేà°µు . à°ˆ మధ్యన à°œీà°¨్à°¸్ à°¨ి à°¨ిà°¯ంà°¤్à°°ింà°šà°¡ం à°¦్à°µాà°°ా à°•ొంà°¤ à°«à°²ిà°¤ం à°¸ాà°§ింà°šిà°¨ా ,à°¦ాà°¨ి వలన à°•ాà°¨్సర్ à°•à°£ుà°¤ుà°²ు à°ªేà°Ÿ్à°°ేà°—ే  à°ª్à°°à°®ాà°¦ం à°‰ంà°¦ి . à°•ాà°¨ీ , ఇది చదవంà°¡ి . While surgical intervention was the only option available so far, the other alternative of gene therapy too was ineffective due to associated problems like tumourigenesis. on-target drug delivery to an afflicted cardiac tissue and prevent heart attacks, Indian scientists have successfully delivered therapeutics to a diseased myocardium through a nanoparticle-tagged peptide, which resulted in improved functioning of the heart.   that it not only improved cardiac function significantly but the p-53 gene was suppressed only in heart without causing tumourigenesis in other parts of the body”.  

projected smart capital of A.P.

Various Ports

As a doctor we are seeing lot of medical devices and display monitors. one should be well versed with various ports the computer used to have at its back side.

New trends in indian health care:

Health care liaison companies: "Healthcare is a very emotional decision-making process.   If the patient needs good trusted treatment at fair price,they need good genuine information about where they can avail best  quality hospitals with  the best doctors at affordable price. to fill this gap,off late some startups are functioning  to deliver good liaison services and transparency between hospitals and patients.   CrediHealth and are two such companies,which getting  tied up with  hospitals and patients. Home Health Care has been part of the Indian Health Care ecosystem for a number of years. However, the service has been very fragmented and unorganized, which has led to poor quality of care.  to fill this gap, the professional service startups are the need of the hour.  Extending insurance cover for home healthcare is beneficial for both the insurance company and the patient as it helps in...

Advise to IMA members regarding NEW health budget-2015

1.Its advised that all doctors now can enhance their health insurance coverage by paying premiums up  to Rs.25000/- as the limit of deduction is increased  u/s 80D   from ` 15,000 to ` 25,000 on health insurance premium. For senior citizens this is raised from ` 20,000 to ` 30,000).    2. It’s also advised to all our members, to invest  more funds in  IRDA approved  pension schemes  as the limit of deduction u/s 80CCC of the IT ACT  from ` 1 lakh to ` 1.5 lakh and 3.There is possibility of more and more FDI fund inflow  in to medical device sector as the govt   Increased FDI caps  . 4.Importing of  artificial heart (left ventricular assist device) is now cheap,as its exempted from from Basic Customs Duty of 5% and CVD. 5.To create a universal social security system for all Indians, The govt will encourage –insurance- (life insurance &health insurance) and pension-to every citizen. In this proces...