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1. approximately 32,000 babies with Down syndrome are born every year. Panorama, is a non-invasive prenatal screening test that examines fetal DNA in the mother's blood to assess whether a developing baby is at high risk for having an abnormality in the chromosomes. Panorama uses a simple blood draw from the mother to screen for trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) and select sex chromosome abnormalities, such as monosomy X (Turner syndrome).
chromosomal abnormalities occur in about 1 of 700 live births. Infants with these abnormalities have mental retardation and suffer from malformations and disabilities. Due to the large number of births (26 million per year), India has the largest number of babies born with chromosomal disorders in the world (almost 33,000 per year). MedGenome is happy to partner with Natera and launch Panorama, a superior second-generation non-invasive prenatal test.At present non-invasive prenatal testing is priced at around Rs 25,000-30,000 in India.
2. In an effort to reduce the nosocomial infections  and make Swachcha Bharat a movement for good health, the Indian Medical Association (IMA) has asked each of its 1,700 branches to appoint nine 'junior Modis' in their respective areas to spread awareness on cleanliness.Every nominated doctor will have to ensure that hospitals follow standard procedures for disposal of bio-chemical and solid waste.
3. mechanical recanalisation technique in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke has undoubtedly broadened the spectrum of patients for treatment.
Stent retrievers, which are self-expandable, re-constrainable and re-sheathable stent-like thrombectomy devices, are the most recent introduction in the mechanical treatment approaches and is particularly emerging as an alternative treatment approach for acute ischemic stroke.
4. Revolutionary tools to improve quality of treatment for hernia : new technologies such as 3D max mesh, Composix, Permafix, Sorbafix and Sepramesh are aimed at improving the quality of treatment of hernias repaired laparoscopically. Laparoscopic hernia repairs using 3DMax Mesh are done with only three separate incisions - approximately 1 cm each.
5. KOCHI based , The Toc-H Institute of Science and Technology (TIST)  has developed an affordable laser device to be used in oncology, ophthalmology and other industrial applications.This is extensively used in ophthalmology and oncology. In cosmetic medicine, it is used for laser hair removal and for the treatment of minor vascular defects such as spider veins on the face and legs. In dentistry, these lasers are used for soft tissue surgeries in the oral cavity. It is also used in the automotive industry and in manufacturing for engraving, etching, or marking a variety of metals and plastics and by the military as laser range finders.
6. Doctors implanted the world's first pacemaker, a sort of back-up generator for the heart, in 1958. Since then, doctors have continued using the devices, connected electrically to the heart via a complex system of tiny wires.
A wireless, coin-sized gadget(powered by a lithium battery that's designed to last 8-10 years) that doesn't require surgery and can be implanted through the catheterization,directly inside the heart, placed in the heart's lower right chamber, in about 28 minutes.
7. "The IMA has written to the Joint Commission International, a US-based healthcare accreditation, and the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) - an Indian accreditation body - demanding that hospitals that hire AYUSH  doctors in their hospitals, be denied recognition," .
