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New Team IMA started its year on 28thDecember, 2014 at Ahmedabadalong with the Ordinary Meeting of Central Council. On that day a meeting of RNTCP-NWG and Disaster Management Cell wasalso held.Some of the Main IMA Central Council Decisions passed on 2

1)Directions are being given to hospitals and doctors not to appoint AyushDoctors as RMO/Assistant. Strong action should be taken against those violatingthe directions.
2)Hon’bleSupreme Court has said in one of the judgments that although it is unethicalfor doctors to resort to strike but the Supreme Court cannot put a stay to anysuch strike. IMA central council resolved that though strike is a right butshould be the last resort.
3)IMAhas asked for defined protocols for medical professionals for organizingmedical and surgical camps. IMA is against any unrealistic targets given togovernment doctors.
4)IMAcondemned cut commissions and corrupt practices any of the IMA member. IMA willnot support any member indulge in corrupt practices. IMA will ask all itsmembers hospitals to display declaration Code of Ethics for Health CareProviders at the Reception of their hospitals.
5)IMAwill come out with a White paper on “When not to use Antibiotics”.
6)IMAwill come out with a White paper on “What is not unethical in terms of Doctor –Industry Relationship”.
7)IMAwants Consumer Protection Act should be amended/ empowering councils to awardcompensation/ establishing to separate Medical Tribunal for such cases.
8) IMA wants a cap onthe compensation awarded in medical negligence. Even in a plane crash a cap isthere. Also IMA want the awarding formula not to be based on the income of aperson. If that so the poor will not get the same treatment as the rich willget.
