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212th.IMA CWC MEET@TIRUPATI ON 7-12-2014.

The IMA CWC news, 7-12-2014,Tirupati,Fortune Kances Hotel.

1. Govt's proposed amendment bill  to MTP act that could allow quacks to do abortions,was unanimously and strongly opposed in the house.
2.House recommended to Constitute the protocols for all free medical &Surgical camps to be followed by medical fraternity.
3.IMA CWC house vociferously opposed the cross-pathy practise and decided to fight tooth and nail against govt's errandous proposals of  encouraging AYUSH doctors to do modern medicine&
and the  proposed bill to recognize new systems in medicine.
4. IMA in Seva : Promoting  "antibiotic awareness", "cleanliness in hospitals-Swachh Medical center" and "Reformed code of medical ethics".

IMA with 2.2lac modern doctors as its members is financially very poor organization.
With its annual income at 2crores having its main source of income from interests on deposits
and expenses at 1.80 crores, the major chunk of which goes for employee's salaries,
the balance sheet moving timidly  @green band.
Annually only 15,000doctors are enrolling as its members,where as the country's out put of modern doctors is  50000/anum.

IMA  H.Q. building, IMA AMS,IMA AKNS INSTITUTE are running  with out losses ,but IMA CGP,JIMA,IMA KOLKATA BUILDING, IMA Magazine-"your health" are in red financially.

IMA CGP has 20000members and IMA AMS having 11000member strength, both are striving hard to impart skills to doctors by conducting various certificate,fellowship&PG diploma courses and maintaining the journals and website in the name of "Family doctor"  and producing annals every year.
The house appealed  every modern doctor to enroll in CGP (for MBBS)and AMS(for specialists)
to empower their skills and to improve  the CME credit-hour score..

IMA Disaster management doing wonderful job. it financed about Rs.23 lacs to construct medical facility at govind ghat in flood effected uttaraanchal.

IMA NSSS(IMA national social security scheme) with the strength of  about
14000members is running on good steam and providing relief
to grieved families by disbursing Rs.9lacs each.

IMA professional protection scheme has only 600 members in its rolls.

IMA Student's wing is  gaining strength year by year with more number of medical
colleges coming under its fold.

Due to untiring and committed  sensitization programs organized by  IMA with GFATM  RNTCP project, almost 70000 T.B. cases were notified in previous year.this is a major achievement in our
 service projects.
the entire house,extends congratulatory support to office bearers for their dynamic and committed leadership.
