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HBI-IMA AP against newly proposed amendment bill to MTP ACT.

Its an open letter to MOH &health minister from Hospital board-IMA AP state:
We, on behalf of Hospital board of IMA AP State (private doctors and nursing homes consortium ) strongly objecting this proposed  MTP (Amendment) Bill, 2014.

 1.The right to practise modern scientific medicine in all its branches is confined to only such persons who possess any   qualification included in the Schedules of the  1956 Act.
2.The proposed bill is With out any  statement regarding the background, need and objects.
3.This proposed bill is against ----
  • ·         the Indian medical degrees act (as per - Sub-section (2) of Section 15 was inserted in the 1956 Act,    with effect from  15.09.1964) and
  • ·         also against the  clause (d) of sub-section (3) of section 17 of the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970  and
  • ·         against many judgments pronounced by  the supreme court.(Poonam Verma Vs. Ashwin Patel and Others, decided by the Supreme Court on 10.05.1996 and Dr. Mukhtiar Chand & Ors.    Vs.   State Of Punjab & Ors., (1998) 7 SCC 579, decided on 8-1-1998)

4.Inserting the term-“Registered Health care providers” in place of “Registered medical practitioners” in section 2(d) of the MTP Act, 1971 is vindictive step against modern doctors.

5.The MOH ,with single stroke of pen,is going to kill blatantly the modern medical profession and at the same time, it downgrading the Indian traditional medicine systems.

6.Its nothing but promoting and legalizing the quackery.

7. For any bill or act,it has to address the problems of the common man.
But your proposed bill is going raise the rate of illegal MTPs against the PCPNDT act.
its going to promote female foeticide.
It also raise the incidence of deaths in our country due to abortions in the hands of incompetent and not sufficiently trained ANMs and AYUSH persons.

More over its against the law of the land..

So, please revert your illegal step and restrain from this type of retrograde bill, which is going to harm the modern medical profession and public at large.

Dr.c.srinivasa raju
Chairman- IMA- Hospital board-A.P. state.
