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Dr Harshvardhan Ji,please hear...

The GOI is proposing an amendment bill to the MTP Act 1971.
 As per this new amendment -

  • abortions can be performed not only by allopathic doctors but by ayurveds, homoeopaths and midwives as well.
  • has increased the abortion limit from the present 20 weeks to 24 weeks.
  • The draft bill also  says there is no time limit in case doctors detect a foetal abnormality

IMA conveyed its strong objection to MOH. dies every two hours due to unsafe abortions, as per one  study.With this bill it will raise deaths due to abortions much more.
2.D&C (dilation & curettage) is a blind procedure. "If a person is not adequately trained, it can lead to ruptured uterus,".by this bill,even ANM s and AYUSH persons attempting abortions and put the lives of those in jeopardy.
3.the amendment bill has clauses violating the law of the land and against supreme court judgments.
4.cross pathy practise and skill sharing is dangerous and illegal.

Dr Harshvardhan Ji,please hear....
