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Digital India
what it means Digital India'?
The ‘Digital India’ blueprint revolves around ‘nine pillars’ — broadband highway, e-governance, electronics manufacturing leading to ‘zero import’, universal phone access, electronic delivery of services, jobs, rural internet, information for all and ‘early harvest’ programmes.

what is meant by SMART city?
all cities with a population of more than a million will get public WiFi hotspots. All government communication will move to a universal secure email client.

How it is useful?

  • every 10% increase in broadband penetration could increase GDP by 1.4 percentage points.
  • cost savings in delivery of public services. 
  • Cash transfers of pensions alone could trim delivery costs by a third,
  •  State entitlements, such as pensions, and public services, such as passports, will move to cloud, a computing term for universally accessible online storage space.
