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The Future plans of MOH.

How to check over prescription, spurious and fake medicines?
By e-dispensing. 

What the govt- MOH Plans?
  • Government plans to make e-prescription mandatory for all doctors in the country.
  • to make drug procurement completely IT-guided and their delivery to government institutions across the country to be tracked online and by installing GPS on trucks to prevent diversion.
  • Encourage cutting edge technologies like stem cell, nanomedicine, molecular medicine and bioengineering.
  • the ICMR-(Indian Council of Medical Research) has been given full freedom to work in partnership with other science departments and industry.
  • to set up model rural health research units.
  • The number of "virology diagnostic research laboratories" has to be raised to 150 with in 2YEARS.
  • Ready to establish "the Centre for Policy Research on Vaccine Preventable Diseases" in New Delhi,” .
why students are not much interested in pursuing the medical line?
Everybody wants easy money, less hard work and also wants to get settled fast,which are  not present in the medical line. It takes about 10 years to get over with all the medical studies. So, definitely it’s a tough line and only those who are passionate about it can go on.”  

What are the Three  bills from MOH , to put more regulations in medicare&research?.
  • The Biomedical and Health Research Regulation Bill, 2014 – to regulate ethical aspects of health research; 
  • The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Bill, 2014 which will oversee medical, legal and social issues linked to surrogacy; and, 
  • The Recognition of New Systems of Medicine Bill, 2014 to determine the distinctive characteristics of alternative systems of medicine.
