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Have doctors become more negligent?

what is modern medicine?
Modern medicine is scientific in approach but it is not an exact science, which always gives a 'yes' or 'no' answer.
How we describe modern medical practice?
Its an art. the 'art' of medicine lies in converting scientific evidence to standard management guidelines created by expert bodies, for all practitioners to follow.
The art lies in gathering the-" history of illness, physical signs and results of tests into an estimation of probabilities of possible diagnoses".
why medical profession is under tremendous pressure?
Yes.Hospital life,doctor's authority  and Autonomy are  under scrutiny.
DOCTORS  are gripping  in   fear .
Totally,Doctors are in the dock. 
 "Doctors are under tremendous pressure. Any bad outcome today gets labelled as 'medical negligence', with friends and family of the patient threatening to call television channels to scare a hospital into waiving off their bills.
"this is the most common scenario across the country nowadays, patients kick up a fuss as an easy way to settle spiralling bills. 

 Lawsuits filed by aggrieved patients are jamming up courtrooms across the country. Their names get splashed day after day across front pages of newspapers, on computer and television screens across the nation. It is the kind of exposure every doctor dreads. Chastened by medical litigation and intimidated by negative publicity, a culture of defensive medicine of unnecessary tests and medications or refusing patients with complex illnesses as a safeguard against future litigation, hangs over our hospitals.
Due to alarming increase in litigation,----- 
  • Doctors are burn out with fear,persecution,depression,emotional exhaustion. 
  • Many hesitate to touch patients with complications .
  • many doctors resorted to defensive practice.
  • huge number of doctors and hospitals taking professional indemnity policies.
Medical error,negligence&accident ?what is the difference?
error and accident are acceptable by law.
 but negligence is suable.
what is the status of Medical negligence in our country?
  • Every year 1 lac deaths from medical injuries occur in India as per the report of NABH study
  • medico-legal cases have gone up by 400% in the Supreme Court in the last 10 years,
According to a 2013 study (Global Burden of Unsafe Medical Care) of Harvard School of Public Health, of the 42crore  hospitalisations in the world annually, about 4crore (10%) adverse events of medical injury take place, two-thirds of which are from low-income and middle-income countries. 
India records approximately 5.2 million cases a year, ranging from incorrect prescription, wrong dose, wrong patient, wrong surgery, wrong time to wrong drug.
With public awareness, claims and litigation are rising. In the country's consumer courts, they now top the list of 3.5 lakh pending cases.
Even though , in reality just 10-15 per cent cases are ever proved against doctors,every media on the land crying hoarse against medical profession.
In which branches ML cases are more?
medical negligence cases involving surgery account for 80 per cent of all cases, of which obstetrics and gynaecology (29 per cent) top the list,followed by orthopaedics(20%).
what are the causes for adverse relation between doctor-patient?
since so many years what ever the doctor does,the patients used to  take it in their karmic strides.
But,nowadays,"public demand" is raising in all spheres of life. public  want first class service with out any errors and deficits.they want best services at fair prices.public demands transparency and sincerity in services.
public becomes impatient to take failures.
public became selfish and always searching for avenues to get the loot.
public openly throw allegations of  'guilt' against a doctor based on an Internet search or with an ulterior motive to extract some money.
thats why,The trust factor between doctors and patients is slowly eroding.
Even the laws -"law of torts and CPA are  problematic, entangling patients, doctors and hospitals in an unholy mess. 
medical education doesn't train the doctors in ML aspects. so,"Doctors thinks in another perspective and judiciary speak in very different language.
"Typically, doctors respond to court summons by apologising. But to the judiciary, that's an admission of guilt." 
Big Hospitals lacks counselors and legal officers.small hospitals can't afford those.
Most hospitals do not have their own legal officers. Hence cases become complicated and continue for long. Hospitals also do not have advocacy cells, to communicate with patients amicably, to prevent the  litigation.
 Why we need different laws?
"For the longest time in India, medical negligence was not seen as compensable,because"It was extremely limited in scope and not really codified.
The two ways of getting compensation are now through the law of torts (personal injury) and the recently introduced Consumer Protection Act of 1995 (CPA). 
"But there are problems with both,".
 The CPA is for all consumers of goods and services- broken toasters to patients dying of medical negligence all balled up in the same court. 
So,CPA used to deal with  "quality of service provided" but not,  medical negligence. 
"As a result, there's an enormous volume of work for the judges and They neither have the time nor the expertise to go deep into medico-legal cases. 
In consumer redressal courts,There is no scope for cross-examination.
 Judges just go by affidavits or reports."
is it not the responsibility of the society to provide secured ambiance to medical profession?
A bench of Justices Dalveer Bhandari and H.S. Bedi had pointed out the need to protect doctors from "malicious prosecution": "It is our bounden duty and obligation of the civil society to ensure that medical professionals are not unnecessarily harassed or humiliated so that they can perform their professional duties without fear and apprehension."

The raised awareness and consequent demand  of public can be a good thing: it can improve accountability of doctors and hospitals, But the trust that makes doctors and patients a team is shattered.

is there any  medicine that has the capability to provide quality service with out any errors and accidents?
