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33 Reasons to smile - the 33 tests @Rs.78/-

33 Reasons to smile - the 33 tests:
·Blood sugar
·Blood pressure
·Blood haemoglobin
·12 lead ECG
·Heart rate
·Water quality
·Urine protein
·Urine sugar
·Urine blood
·Urine bilirubin
·Urine pH
·Urine specific gravity
·Urine leukocytes
·Body temperature
·Urine ketone
Malaria check
·Foetal doppler
·Pulse oximetry
·Urine nitrite
·Routine blood grouping and typing
·Widal antigens for slide and tube tests
·Onsite typhoid IgG/IgM rapid test
·Rapid immunochromatography test for HIV-1 and HIV-2
·Rapid pregnancy test
·Tropnin 1 whole blood/serum test
·Hepatitis B virus (HBV) (detection of (HBsAG) in plasma)
·Immunodot test kit (HCV)
·Slide test for anti streptolysin-o
·Slide test for rheumatoid factor
·Slide test for C-reactive protine
