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A journey from blue planet to Red planet....

A Big dream of ISRO.
A desperate desire to excel in space missions.
A proud moment for an Indian.
Being an Indian,we need this push...timely shot in Armour.
That is the Kick,every Indian dreams of.....

With just 500 crores,which is a meager amount... less than the cost of an 8-lane flyover,the indian scientists made an "Orbiter" which is just like our car in weight &volume, to circle the red planet to explore the crucial data related to water,methane and other important issues.

with single rocket motor,which is faithfully serving since 20years in 24 missions and 8 small thrusters,  ISRO made the satelite to escape from earth's sphere of influence,which is first of its kind since 44years.

its astonishing that this 67 crore Km ride to red planet  just costs us, Rs 7/- per Km, that is lesser than auto ride in our cities.

IMA AP & TELENGANA Congratulate and extending Thanks to ISRO.
