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Vote Power

What it means  of Higher voter turnout?
it means end to dynasty. end of corruption.end of policy paralysis.
Due to higher turnout of 66%,anti incumbency wave gained momentum to put the Modi led NDA on the pedestal of victory.

What are the reasons for higher turnout?
The major reasons for the polling percentage going up has been the increased participation of women and SC&ST population and new voters.Highly urban seats recorded the lowest turnout (61.1 percent) yet.

How india crippled with so called welfare schemes?
what is the major massive drain on the economy without any benefits?
a total of Rs.2.80 lakh crore as subsidy on food, fuel and fertilizers &MGNRE for 2014-15 .

How  UPA govt under the helm of sonia  eroded our country's  systems?
 stagnation in manufacturing -  The share of manufacturing in GDP fell to 15.1 per cent in 2013, which is the lowest in a decade according to the Confederation of Indian Industry.

unemployment- 10 million young Indians entering the workforce every year in search of jobs are grievously frustrated.

corruption-policy paralysis caused by the telecom and coal scams.

Hunger: rice has been exported to Europe to feed cattle and food has rotted away in godowns.”
