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Tasks for new govt for first 100 days

1.Raise the health budget to 2% of the national GDP.
2.Raise the education budget to 6% from the present 3% of the GDP.   

  • Compulsory primary education(up to 7th.) with more stress on building of core character and morality . 
  • mid day meal in all schools,
  • compulsory games& yoga training in all schools&colleges.
  • bridging the digital divide between rural and urban schools through satellite or net based educational backbone.
  • mobile labs,virtual class rooms in rural areas.
  • hands-on training in post offices,banks,farm fields,police stations,traffic  keeping and hospitals essential generic medicines for all through govt or private(Public private) outlets,which may needs just 6000 crore rupees to implement. 
4.increasing direct taxes through introduction of inheritance tax and an increase in wealth tax
5.revise the food security act and see that the benefits should go to the needy only.
6. a bill  for governance accountability. 
