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Few suggestions sent to New Central health minister Sri.Dr.Harshavardhan and Newly elected A.P.CMDesignate Sri.N.Chandra babu naidu.

1. Enable all health workers across the country—around 2 million—to have data-enabled smartphones. The purpose shall be that once they have access to these devices, information, content and services will automatically flow. applications to monitor and track  government health programmes spread across maternal and child health, immunization, disease control, tuberculosis, supply chain, and forecasting of disease outbreaks, in addition to applications to manage health insurance, drugs and medicines, and community action by ASHA -accredited social health activists.
3. Free essential generic medicines for all ​---- ​ through govt or private(Public private) outlets,which may needs just 6000 crore rupees to implement. 
4. Allocate more staff @ PHCs----- 3MBBS doctors ,ONE DENTAL,one AYUSH, 3nurses,4ANMs,3MPHW,one lab tech and one xray tech.​
5.Allow small clinics and hospitals to be empaneled to participate in govt sponsored health insurance schemes as service providers of --- out patient and day care procedures and secondary care.
6. Single window system at district level in collaboration with  NGOs like IMA and Red cross- to cater all needs of private health players and to provide necessary assistance in complying of regulations.
7. Provision of emergency resuscitation kiosks, in all PHCs and along the national highways.
8. provision of  CME and Skill upgrading centers in all medical colleges which should  provide free access to private doctors.
9. Strengthening the chain of emergency vehicles(108 vehicles in A.P.) and fixed day mobile health clinics (104 Vehicles in A.P.).
10. Immediate implementation of MCI revamped syllabus&curriculum of UG&PG medical education.

Thank you
