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1.A simple laboratory test to measure protein C a natural anti-blood-clotting substance that also reflects the level of inflammation in the body may offer a useful new indicator of the severity of illness and risk of death among critically ill patients.
2.Emerging evidence suggests many pregnant women are deficient in omega-3.
3.Flu shot may reduce risk of a major cardiac event and cardiac deaths.
4.Fainting after air travel may indicate pulmonary embolism.
5.Risk of Barrett's esophagus is increased in type 2 diabetic patients.
6.New MRI technique - time-resolved multi-frame acquisition to improve diagnosis of early coronary artery disease.
7.Use of Aspirn found to be associated with reduced risk of serous ovarian cancer.
8.Heart failure patients with prolonged QRS complexes in ECG could be helped by insertion of pacemaker.
9.Poor sleep in adolescents may increase risk of heart disease & insulin resistance.
10.Fish oil prevents weight loss and muscle wasting in chemotherapy patients.
