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Stanford Scientists Unveil Two Ophthalmology Smartphone Adapters

you don't need big cumbersome slit lamp. you don't need heavy computing and costly software to take images and transmit them to consultants.
just  a smart phone and this small attachment. thats all.

Researchers  have developed two new smartphone attachments that allow imaging of the both anterior segment and another one to exam retina of the eye that would normally done with large, bulky instruments. Ophthalmologists imaging the anterior segment of the eye (cornea, iris, ciliary body, lens) use slit lamp instruments that shine a bright flat beam of light onto the eye in combination with a microscope and costly funduscopy. 
This  small iPhone attachment that snaps onto just about any smartphone to visualize the anterior segment. It consists of a small lens and an LED just next to it and is small enough to fit in your pocket. It’s positioned close to the eye, focused, and an image is taken to satisfactorily portrays a wide range of pathology of the eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, iris, and lens without the need for a slitlamp.”
