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New guide lines to be followed by doctors to examine and treat the rape victims

These guide lines were drawn  by MOH with the help of  The Department of Health Research (DHR) along with Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) to  formulate the set of national guidelines for dealing with criminal assault cases.
Dr V M Katoch, secretary to GOI-DHR and director general ICMR and  Dr M E Khan (secretary, Sexual Violence Research Initiative) and Indrajit Khandekar, in-charge Clinical Forensic Medicine Unit - are some of the experts formulated these guide lines.
1.that every hospital must have a designated room to deal with Medico Legal Cases (MLC) of sexual assault to provide privacy to the victim and must have essential equipments listed in the guidelines.
2.while carrying out medical tests no third person must be present in the room other than the doctor. If the doctor is male, a female attendant must be there.
3.provide comprehensive care which must address issues like physical injuries, STDs, HIV, Hepatitis B, etc. Also the psychological effects must be recognised and the patient shall be provided counselling, social support and appropriate referrals.
4.The maligned two-finger test that was used by doctors to opine whether the girl is habituated to sexual intercourse or not, has been outlawed.
5.Doctors are asked not to use word rape in their opinion, as it is a legal definition and not a medical diagnosis.
6.names of samples, its preservative and purpose of analysis for forensic lab has to be printed itself on the form before sending it to FSL (forensic science lab).
7.A provision for DNA analysis has also been done. A separate form for medical management as a check list has been provided too.
8.The doctors should examine rape cases without an FIR if the survivor reports to the hospital first.
9.Obtaining "informed consent" of the victim( explained in the manner and language which the patient can understand) is mandatory before starting treatment and so is informing the police.
