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He & She & those ruined INDIA in the last decade !

He is an economist who  paved the liberal path under the leadership of sri P.V.Narasimha rao- one of the best prime ministers that our country had.

This person who has been looked as better economist and good statesman by other country heads but here in the india,he is week,meek and frequently humiliated robotic personality,that history never excuses for his utter  failure in administration,economy,foreign relations,defence and home security.

Even though we have 4 inefficient PMs before Manmohan,their stay is very short i.e.few days to few months.
But Manmohan serves as PM for mind boggling and history making  and country devastating 10 years.

1. Corruption: UPA2 is the most corrupt government ever and the number of scams it has is enough to make you sick.  the Prime Minister cannot escape the  blame as it is collective responsibility..

Being an economic expert he let the 2G fiasco under his big chair and to make matters worse he was the Coal Minister when the Coalgate scam happened. 
If a company reports fraud upon fraud for years, will the CEO remain?
So how is the CEO of India surviving? its a miracle of magic of sonia.

2. Economy: US President FD Roosevelt took the help of the economics of John Maynard Keynes to take his country out of the Great Depression. Manmohan, who is allegedly both a politician and an economist, has put the Indian citizens into a great depression of their own.

This government is bereft of economic ideas and instead of alleviating matters is pushing one populist scheme after another down the taxpayer’s throat.
3. Foreign policy: Pakistan kills our soldiers, masterminds terror operations on our soil and Manmohan is still eager to have talks with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif under whose watch the Kargil War happened. Nothing seems to have changed since the Sharm-el Sheikh shame of 2009. Chinese soldiers cross the Indian border at will. 

Myanmar sets up camps on our soil. Italian Marines shoot our fishermen and go home when they  please. Iran holds our oil tanker over a dispute.The US snoops on us and we don’t even register a murmur of protest. Manmohan goes out of his way to modify the Nuclear Deal to suit US  suppliers. 

the same bad patch on the front of foreign policy with  Sri Lanka, Nepal, Afghanistan or Bangladesh. 

4. Leadership: Manmohan has destroyed the office of the Prime Minister and has been reduced to a remote control joke at the hands of Congress President Sonia Gandhi. 

To make matters worse, he has expressed his willingness to even work under her son Rahul. A man who couldn’t even win the Lok Sabha election he stood for and he is a Rajya Sabha MP from a State (Assam) he does not hail from. 

One of the most lacklustre speakers around, an official release saying he has given 1300 official speeches shows how one can convey so little despite saying so much.

5. Centre-State relations: Usually the Congress had bad relations with States of non-Congress parties. This time they have changed even that. Andhra Pradesh is the best example where their own CM is miffed and they face dissent among their own MPs and MLAs.

The battles between Congress-appointed Governors and the BJP governments in States like Gujarat and Karnataka have made matters worse and issues like the Communal Bill (that was dumped) created Centre-State tensions.

6. Security: There have been many terror blasts in India since 2004. The NIA was launched with great fanfare but has been in the news more for its turf battles and failures. The CBI and IB have been pitted against each other. Former Army chief General VK Singh’s running battle with the Congress will only help our enemies.the series of accidents and disasters in indian navy fleet shows how our battle preparedness in doldrums.

The PM is the only common thread in all the security organizations of India and he is accountable for its combined failures.

7. Aadhar:  Name any one country in the world which wants to put the biometric data of every single citizen’s photograph, ten fingerprints and iris. Nothing? That’s right. No country wants to do that.

Most countries fingerprint their criminals and some immigrants. Even in India one if supposed to destroy fingerprints of criminals after they’ve served their prison term. 

United Kingdom’s Identity Cards Act of 2006 was opposed by human rights groups and security experts. After years of debate it was scrapped in 2010. When that happened in a developed country, what of India with its incompetence, corruption and huge potential for misuse?

Now that the Supreme Court has said that Aadhar will not be compulsory, what will happen to the grand scheme?

8. Freedom of Speech: even though Manmohan is an Oxbridge technocrat, his regime has been trying to muzzle freedom of speech. 

Section 66A is a Draconian provision that has put many citizens in jail. This government is totally intolerant to criticism of any kind and has explored ways of muzzling the press and trying to make sure any form of online dissent is curbed.

Even the moment he considers the high point of his tenure—the U.S.-India nuclear deal approved in 2008—has been tarnished by WikiLeaks cables,alleging vote-buying by the Congress Party. 

I would say I blame myself as an Indian citizen, I blame all of us Indian citizens who allow this situation to continue, a system that is unjust, unethical and also unproductive.

Every citizen should remember,that globalisation  generates economic opportunity, but on its own it can't reduce poverty.

we also not to forget,that backwardness in education, healthcare, gender equality is more due to social&cultural backwardness inherited in our genes.
But that can be bridged by effective broad based political decissions irrespective of hurting the traditional sentiments&Taboos of the citizens.

Not only our PM but our country in toto has plenty of advisors, but is desperately short of doers.
We need Action...
