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what to do with medical diploma holders?

 Many Medical diploma doctors have served this country as specialists doctors and tutors in medical colleges, and have worked for paltriest salaries, even lesser than an MSc educated non doctor, even within medical institutions and have suffered as second grade citizens in such institutions since independence.
We,on behalf of IMA AP state along with "ALL INDIA MD/MS/DNB DOCTORS ASOCIATION,REGD ( BANGALORE), request the powers controlling medical education to take a liberal view of the problems face by these brethren and allow Diploma doctors to be treated as par with MD /MS doctors subject to certain conditions ,well agreed by respective medical speciality associations-ex. 

We can even think of a national level written exam to elevate these Medical diploma doctors to MD/MS degrees or 3 year service as medical diploma can be deemed sufficient to treat them as equal to an MD/MS or similar suggestion. 

This problem if solved soon, will deliver many medical postgraduates to serve our rural population directly or indirectly and this progressive step will definitely fill the dearth of teaching faculty. 
