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Predictions for India &the world for Next Decade.

Whether it's because of a geographic, social, or economic dysfunction, India just -- to put it bluntly -- can't get its plans  together. India is the country of the future and always will be."

"India has always been a country of endless unrealized potential.
 "Its diversity in terms of regulations and tensions, its lack of infrastructure and its talented population will give rise to pockets of surprising dynamism. The country will grow, but in a wildly unpredictable and uneven manner; the fantastic expectations will not materialize." 

The new government -2014:  will be formed in the unexpected situations. Many parties will form unexpected alliances. During formation of the government people of the nation will see many things happening unexpectedly.

Congress: There are very few chances for Congress in near future. Congress will take many unwise stupid decisions which will humiliate the party. 

BJP: will get comparatively good results in the coming Loksabha elections but party will face more than one disputes.and these disputes will create many hurdles. From starting of the month of may, the situation will be in the favour of the party. Few politicians will be trapped. The persons from industry, cinema and media will be in news.

The world:
  • major wars around the globe, but not a global war.
  • full scale global meltdown of economy; not total chaos, but a lot of it.
  • social chaos in streets, political riots and uprising are highly likely to occur.
  • Expect the economy to sustain somewhat until at least 2015, and then go downhill until 2020.
  • By 2015-2016 (just as the agressive war-events start) this set of challenges is expected to be more destructive
  • our technological world of media, internet, communication, transportation, industry, global rights, and electrical grids, will be mostly safe and still growing.
