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Job Satisfaction?Money Satisfaction??Where are We?

In India, An average physician’s salary varies based on the type and level of medical specialty. 
Physicians bearing a MBBS degree earn a much lesser annual income when compared to specialists.

In general, physicians employed as medical officers receive an average annual salary ranging between Rs. 300,000 – Rs. 450,000 whereas those employed in general practice centers earns around between Rs. 203,473 – Rs. 874,896 per annum. 

Private health institutions pay specialists Rs 1 lakh p.m. to Rs 3 lakh p.m. depending on duration of service.
  • Physicians employed as healthcare consultants in hospitals and Medicare centers earn an annual income ranging from between Rs 360,000 – Rs 960,000 per annum. 
  • An average yearly salary for a general surgeon in India averages between Rs 473,162 – Rs 616,736,
  •  a medical pathologist receives between Rs 540,000 – Rs 868,966 per year, 
  • an ophthalmologist earns an average salary ranging from Rs 491,318 – Rs 854,586 per annum, 
  • Internist earns between Rs 182,078 – Rs 1,519,877 per year and 
  • a family physician earns between Rs 230,000 – Rs 1,350,000 per year.
  • a professor is paid Rs 23 lakh on initial appointment and the total figure comes around Rs 34.81 lakh per annum using the CTC method in AIIMS.
  • Neurosurgeons, neurologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, cardiologists, urologists, and radiologists demand salaries ranging between Rs.3 lakh and Rs.4 lakh a month.
Is there any difficulty  with these salaries? if yes to whom?
Approximately 70 per cent of the income generated in a hospital was spent on salaries and incentives for doctors. If this situation did not change, it would be difficult for small and medium-sized hospitals to survive. 
About six to seven years ago, specialist doctors were paid in the range of Rs.50,000 to Rs.1 lakh,.
 “A general surgery used to cost about Rs.10,500 about seven years ago. Now it costs anything between Rs.80,000 and Rs.1 lakh.”.

As per Medscape survey, Doctors’ earnings ranged from about $156,000 a year for pediatricians to about $315,000 for radiologists and orthopedic surgeons. The highest earners — orthopedic surgeons and radiologists — were the same as last year, followed by cardiologists who earned $314,000 and anesthesiologists who made $309,000.

Despite their sizable salaries, only about 11% of doctors considered themselves rich, which the survey authors attribute to physicians’ high debts and expenses. 
About 51% of all physicians and 46% of primary care physicians said they thought they were compensated fairly. The survey found that doctors in the Northeast earned the least.
When asked if they would choose a career in medicine if they had it to do all over again, 54% of physicians surveyed said yes — down from 69% the previous year.
Radiology: $315,000
Orthopedics: $315,000
Cardiology: $314,000
Plastic surgery: $270,000
General surgery: $265,000
Obstetrics/Gynecology: $220,000
Psychiatry: $170,000
Pediatrics: $156,000

So,the median earnings of specialists in USA is 200000$/anum. in rupees it comes to 1.2crores.
In INDIA, the median earnings of specialists is at Rs.7 lacs/anum.
the  median earnings of Super-specialists in india is at 40 lacs/anum.
