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Medical tourism.

Medical tourism,presently earning revenue of over $ 33 crore, India has the potential to attract one million medical tourists each year,(by 2015, the number is likely to rise to 3million),which could contribute $5 billion to the economy.
The medical costs in India are nearly one tenth of the costs abroad.
 a Cardiac surgery would cost around $ 50,000 in the US but only four thousand dollars in India. A bone marrow transplant would cost $ 62,500 in the US and $ 30,000 in India. A Liver transplant that would cost $ 500,000 in the US would cost only $ 45,000 in India. An Orthopaedic surgery in the US costing $ 16,000 would work out to about $ 4,500 in India.
what are advantages?
no waiting period. cheap and the world best treatment. good english speaking doctors with world class skills .
the govt also encouraging through -

  • lower import duties and
  •  higher depreciation rates on medical equipment, as well as 
  • expedited visas for overseas patients seeking medical care in India. The visas can be extended for a period of three years .

in india ,at present we have about 50000 beds catering to medical tourists.
so,for every 2000 medical tourists,india have 100 beds.No scarcity at all.
general beds providing secondary care for domestic needs are at 100 beds per ONE LAC  people.
