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Dear friends,

once again thank you for your gracious presence and Fruitful  contributions to the deliberations in IMANATCON-2013.


IMA's motto --  - - - 
A.100% institutional deliveries & 100% full immunization & 100%usage of family planning.
B. providing high quality care to everyone at a lower cost.
C.Self regulation of medical profession by HBI wing of IMA.
D.IMA seeking for  capping of pecuniary damages.Deep felt concern regarding crippling compensations slapped by the courts. 
E.IMA Medical university 
F.Invigorated re dedication to RNTCP.
G.Sensitization &helping the members with 24/7 medicolegal help line  and SMS Service.
H. Paperless office & Building IMA member's  data and accelerating the membership drive.

Right to health' the fundamental right .Right to food.right to live. now the time has ripen for "right to health".Every one knows,that loosing the precious man-hours due to illness, leads to loss of Valuable GDP. Citizen's health is country's wealth.
88th.national congregation of indian medical association @ its annual conference meet at rajhamundry,on the eve of installing its new president Dr.jitendra bhai patel,demands the federal govt to declare and promulgate necessary Sub-Acts needy  to implement -RIGHT TO HEALTH".(actually it is included in the right to life guaranteed by Article 21 of our Constitution).

Legal standing:
our country  is a social democratic  welfare republic. Providing adequate medical facilities for the people is an obligation undertaken by the government.
Our constitution makers were much aware about the public health or right to health, that’s why they imposed liability on State by some provisions (Article 38, 39(e) 41, 42, 47, 48A ).

Article 38 of Indian Constitution impose liability on State that states will secure a social order for the promotion of welfare of the people but without public health we cannot achieve it. It means without public health welfare of people is impossible. Article 39(e) related with workers to protect their health. Article 41 imposed duty on State to public assistance basically for those who are sick and disable. Article 42 makes provision to protect the health of infant and mother by maternity benefit.

some more demands of IMA:

1.IMA seeks separate tribunal which should be headed by a sitting judge, with medical experts as members,to hear medical negligence cases .

2.Federal Medical personnel & medical establishments protection act should be promulgated by union govt.

To bail out the medical profession from the ambit of CPA Act, IMA trying  its best supportive  skills by sensitizing the various judiciary  luminaries about the vagaries , medical personnel facing day-in & day-out..
