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Various techniques of Dhyaana... to reach the stage of Meditation...

Some of the following methods are different only in initial process but their aim to reach meditative status is equal. what ever method we adopt,the basic under lying principle is to make our mind more & more receptive. Receptive to conscious and subconscious with out attachment.

1. Mindfulness, VIPASANA ( Letting your mind run, and accepting whatever thoughts come up, while practicing detachment from each thought),
2. Transcendental Meditation-TM.-  (using mantra japa and focussing on breath),
3. Kundalini - using breath to move energy upward.( concentrates on the breath flowing through each of the chakras  of the body, always moving upward, toward the energy center just above the top of the head).  
4.Guided visualization -Relaxation technique.--- concentration upon an image or imaginary environment.  
5. Trance-based practices. hypnotic methods- --  awareness of the self and the environment is limited, conscious control of the experience is absent, rational thinking is absent, and memory of the experience is very limited. Often these kinds of practices involve drugs, music, shallow, rapid breathing (which produces an intoxicating effect), or a form of hypnotic suggestion.
6. Heart Rhythm Meditation focuses on the breath and heartbeat, making the breath full, deep, rich, rhythmic, and balanced. Attention is focused on the heart as the center of the energetic system
