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Salaam MOH !

Across the country,400 odd medical colleges are in search of students to fill the seats. No donations. only nominal fees.its because, universities across the country doling out B.Sc -community health course and make lacks of those graduates to release in to the rural and slum urban health sector. corporate hospitals hire those graduates cheaply at 5000/- month. MBBS graduates  wandering  on the roads waiting for jobs.
MCI is on the verge of closing due to lack of monitoring authority on corporate health sector and closure of medical institutes. individual medical practitioners slowly fading out leaving the ground to AYUSH and B.S c health practitioners.
few lucky super specialists spreading their tentacles of multi specialty 5 star hospitals  with super empanelment facilities.
indian health authorities grinning with mischievious smiles and boasting their intelligence,how they eradicated the noble species of doctors and put bare foot doctors at the door steps of common man.
But,WHO statistics showing about alarming rise of IMR & MMR  along with galloping  crude death rate and miraculous populaion control. the entire credit for the population stabilization has been taken by MOH and super conscious  NGO s.
