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Jai ho sachin...

HE entered  the arena when the country was in doomed shell of  economical bankruptcy. HIS antics brings solace to the billion discontented hearts. Sachin has done it all carrying an unimaginable weight of expectation."The mind blowing expectation of 1 billion people. Sachin, A person who is a victim of his magnificence...Many great cricketers has flamboyance.some have better technique.some have  better repertoire of shots.But,Sachin has paramount Technique,enormous  mental strength,pristine character and a stronger will ,which made sachin a special persona and phenomenon,not only in the game but also in the siciety.... 
IMA Salutes the proud son of the great soil on the eve of his last show of patriotism at wankhede stadium- 
Jai ho sachin..... Jai Hind....
