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portable, cost effective and intuitive High quality health care with the help of just an iPHONE!

"At the moment we simply don't have the trained  health staff to bring clinical  care services to the poorest communities.
"What we can do using this iPhone, a cradle enhanced with optics, and an app combine to make a handheld biosensor capable of performing tests previously the domain of dedicated labs.This tool will enable us to do that with relatively untrained people."
 the technicians with iphone, can go to the patients, to their homes, examine them at their front doors and diagnose them there and then."
for ex.A portable eye testing kit based on a smartphone that could revolutionize eye care. 
A paramedic  can  gather detailed clinical information, diagnose cataracts, check prescriptions for vision lenses, and even check the retina for signs of disease. like-wise, a nurse can do otoscopy,take ECG,TAKE THE PICTURE OF SKIN LESION,can measure the blood pressure and glucose readings.
The paramedic can send the pictures to specialist in far places as mail attachments and in turn take the instructions from them.
Even iphone helps doctors  and can be used as U-SCAN,Brain scanner,spirometer,breath analyser,petri dish to do cultures, as microscope to exam microorganisms and as detector of  toxins, proteins, bacteria, viruses, and other molecules.
iphone as otoscope

iphone as slit lamp

 iphone as spirometer,breath analyser

iphone as U SCAN

iphone as B.P.machine
 iphone as microscope
