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India in Doldrums ---Friends, think cautiously. The coming 6 months is crucial for all indians...

Friends, do you observe what is happening since 3years?
  • The Rupee has lost around 16% in 2013, and 44% in the last 3 years.
  • Petrol &diesel price has  increased by more than Rs 25. So maintaining a car has already become a huge burden. 
  • Prices of milk, vegetables and other essential commodities too going skywards.
  • Overseas education took Rs 30 lakhs earlier, the same will cost you Rs 45 lakhs now with the fall of the rupee. 
  • A dinner for two that cost Rs 500 a couple of years back now costs Rs 1,500. Even watching a movie in a theatre has gotten extremely expensive. 
  • millions of qualified workers roaming on the streets without jobs due to the falling growth .
  • many Business firms are now struggling to just cover their interest payments. 
  • NPA s of banks accumulated to 1lac crores.
  • salaries stagnate while the expenses keep going up continuously. 
  • As per the Eleventh Five-year plan, around 1.5 crore new people join the workforce in India every year.
    And the most shocking thing of all is that the price rise in India has been faster than that in other emerging countries too!  
    friends,its all happened in just 3years. why? what really happened?  Yes,its all due to govt spending money on Vote bank centric extravagant  mindless welfare  schemes rather than on building infrastructure and creating jobs,which  led to a shortage of government funds for projects, followed by policy paralysis, followed by private investments drying up, eventually leading to a slowdown in economic growth. 
  • Friends,plz think with balanced mind and decide who the culprits for this devastation!                         (to be concluded in next post)
