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A true yogi is one who does not give up action but makes action divine by turning it into worship and meditation.

What is meditation? is it active process or passive? is it happens with our efforts or it happens spontaneously?
Before answer these questions, we should know,what the mankind is craving for? Happiness/Ananda.
when will you get this state of mind?,as we know happiness is the state of mind.
When the mind is calm.
when will be mind is calm?
 when our body,breath and mind are in harmony.
A state of mind that happens spontaneously.:
when some chemicals are secreted with low glucose signals in the blood,hunger will happens.
when another type of biochemicals secreted with the signal that the body and mind are tired,sleep happens.
Like that Meditation happens..... when?
when we surrender our self at the mighty nature/god, or 
when we conduct our duties as a god's instrument (feeling that we are not doing; Work happens through us; it flows through us. we are not thinking about the result of our work.). 

we need not sit idly and contemplate  either on mantra,vision,sutra,sacred text or on vacuum, in a corner.
we can turn even our mundane actions divine . So, Don't  give up action.

why such a hulla bulla about the meditation? is it useful for us??

  • Meditation empowers our mind to be more disciplined, focused. 
  •  Meditation connects us to the spontaneous inner source of real happiness.

How do we do the practice of meditation?
We try to relax and then try to focus our mind on a divine form, a sacred sound or a word or phrase as mantra, or we focus on our physical body, breath or thoughts. Meditation is just sitting with your own mind for a while. All day long, you use your mind but never just be with it.   Mindful act of being in the mind, for the mind, with the mind. Then you are in the grand world of your Inner Being. This is meditation...
