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Recollection.... of Srikrishna Committee Report...

The Srikrishna Committee does not state whether it's in favour of a new state for Telangana. Instead, it lists the following options for the union government to consider.

Option 1: Maintain status quo 
(Least favored option as per Article 9.3(1) of the Report) 

Option 2: Bifurcation of the State into Seemandhra and Telangana; with Hyderabad as a Union Territory and the two states developing their own capitals in due course 
(Committee Found this option Not Practicable as per Article 9.3(ii) of the Report) 

Option 3: Bifurcation of State into Rayala-Telangana and coastal Andhra regions with Hyderabad being an integral part of Rayala- Telangana 
(While this option has good economic justification, may not be acceptable to all the people as per Article 9.3(iii) of the Report) 

Option 4: Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh into Seemandhra and Telangana with enlarged Hyderabad Metropolis as a separate Union Territory. This Union Territory will have geographical linkage and contiguity via Nalgonda district in the south-east to district Guntur in coastal Andhra and via Mahboobnagar district in the south to Kurnool district in Rayalaseema 
(Though there are some positives of this option it may be difficult to reach a political consensus in making this solution acceptable to all according to Article 9.3(iv) of the Report) 

Option 5: Bifurcation of the State into Telangana and Seemandhra as per existing boundaries with Hyderabad as the capital of Telangana and Seemandhra to have a new capital 
(This option is considered as the second best option by the committee as per Article 9.3(v) of the Report) 

Option 6: Keeping the State united by simultaneously providing certain definite Constitutional/Statutory measures for socio-economic development and political empowerment of Telangana region - creation of a statutorily empowered Telangana Regional Council 
(This is the most preferred and recommended option by the Committee as per Article 9.3(vi) of the Report) 
