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For What IMA toils? For whom sake IMA functions?

  • IMA is for quality healthcare to all people,weather they are rich or poor & urban or rural.
  • IMA is for quality & affordable drugs to be in reach of common man.
  • IMA is for strict adherence of vaccination with good supportive cold chain,both for children and adults.
  • IMA strongly opines,that the minimum qualification for "Allopathic clinical  health care delivery" must be MBBS Qualification.
  • IMA never agrees for cross-pathy practice.
  • IMA demands minimum Rs.50000/- salary to MBBS graduates and better service provisions and application of regular service previleges to all graduates and post graduates,who have work mandatorily in rural areas.
  • IMA demands strict implementation of 8 hour only' duty for service doctors.
  • IMA demands recruitment of  more number of paramedics at sub-centers.
  • IMA demands recruitment of 4 MBBS doctors for each PHC.
  • IMA demands commissioning of more number of medical colleges under public sector in Bihar,U.P..MADHYA PRADESH and in NORTH-EASTERN STATES. 
  • IMA demands non compliance of PNDT Act (relaxation of rules) for u-scans used for Non-OBSTETRIC Work.
  • IMA demands universal health coverage for all indian citizens,irrespective of their economical status.
  • IMA is against corporatization policy of health care. 
  • IMA favors foreign direct investment in rural health care & public health.
  • IMA demands  empanelling of all clinics and small hospitals with Insurance companies basing on their services.
  • IMA demands for free "biowaste management and mercury free management" by the all small hospitals(,less than 30beds & hospitals in rural areas).
  • IMA is for autonomous regulating authority for medical education.
  • IMA demands "Medical tribunal" in place of CPA Act implication for medical profession.
  • IMA demands complete revamping of policy & Functioning of NBE.
  • IMA demands career assurance for medical graduates who have to be served mandatorily in rural areas.
