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FAQs about fitness...

1.what is lactate threshold?   Lactic acid is released whenever the amount of oxygen you have in supply is too low to meet your body’s metabolic needs.  When lactic acid rises too high, your muscles can no longer contract and you simply have to stop.
lactate threshold –also called the anaerobic threshold – is important for you to recognize. If you never reach your lactate threshold, you will not reduce your waist circumference quickly.

2.what is Metabolic syndrome?   a set of unhealthy characteristics ---including being overweight, having high blood pressure and being sedentary ---- that tend to increase your risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke.Having a waist size over 40 inches (102 centimeters) is one of the defining characteristics of metabolic syndrome.

3.what is the most useful exercise?Any exercise that is intense enough 
to make you run out of breath.

4.what is the most dangerous act?   your office chair is your enemy, and 
so is your,sitting in office,seeing the T.V. are dangerous acts.
For example, standing and flexing your muscles produces a protein called "lipoprotein lipase", which helps you process fats. If you sit and lie for extended periods you don’t produce much of this protein, thus  slowing down your metabolism and bringing a variety of health problems, like heart disease.

5.what is the best food for breakfastlow-glycemic index foods,such foods that do not trigger your body's insulin response, a bad signal which tells your body to store fat.  (egg whites+oat meal+any seasonal fruit).

6. How to loose weight healthily? do Diet, do exercise, keep bowel health.

7.what is the best food To Reduce Your Waist Line?  Beans,chana-chick pea 500gr per week.
8.what is the idle waist-height ratio? below 50%
9.what are 5 life saving numbers one should know/check? blood pressure,waist size,weight,cholesterol,fasting blood sugar.
10. why just 4 minutes per week highly intensive exercise helps your health?catecholamines, cortisol, and growth hormones.The HIIE(high intensive intermittent exercise) catecholamine response is an important feature of this type of exercise as catecholamines, especially epinephrine, have been shown to drive lipolysis and are largely responsible for fat release from both subcutaneous and intramuscular fat stores.

But don't neglect Aerobic endurance training,which  increases β-adrenergic receptor sensitivity in adipose tissue and  the sensitivity of the anti-lipolytic  receptors was diminished. 
