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Encourage & Protect the small Hospitals.

Biowaste management for every hospital is not only  mandatory but also its a social responsibility.
As per 1998 regulations of environmental protection act,every one that deals with biowaste, must be registered & get authenticated with Pollution control dept.of respective district.

Mercury free equipment must be used in health care set-ups to prevent the mercury spillage hazard from mercury filled equipment like thermometers,feeding tubes, B.P. machines,bougie dilators,lab chemicals,etc...
As you know,mercury destroys(neuro&nephro toxic) not only living beings but also it pollutes air,water and live stock.

plight of small hospitals:
80% of  health care services have been rendered by these small&medium hospitals,which have their presence in both rural and urban areas.
the waste handling,segregation,storage is usually looked after by 4th.class employees and paramedic staff.
unless we render training to impart the technicalities of waste handling, these staff couldn't justify the implications of the act.So, the govt.must train all members of the public&private hospitals periodically  and provide color coding containers free of cost. yes, vaccines have been  supplied by the free of cost.
more over the attrition rate of the staff is too high and so, the govt should impart training every year to all hospital staff.
the govt must allow the Small  hospitals to treat those  85% of the hospital waste,which is  is non-hazardous&non-infective. the remaining hazardous( 15% ) waste must be transported and treated by the govt on its own responsibility. The authorities can charge for these services in case of big hospitals having strength of more than  30 beds.
Like that,the govt must provide mercury free equipment to small hospitals at subsidized cost,if its sincere and serious in controlling the mercury hazard.
small hospitals doesn't get benefitted from the like in the case of corporate big hospitals,which are getting subsidized loans, rebate in custom duty on imported equipment,free land,etc....
so, small hospitals must be supported by which the balance of market forces be in harmony paving the way for good all round availability of reasonable services to the needy at their doorsteps.
Like in USA,All clinics & small hospitals must be empanelled for services they are providing with out depending on bed strength .Thus we can brought forward their services in to the mainstream insurance dependent medicare.
These two categories of service can be delivered at lowest cost by the small hospitals.
Nowadays,day care procedures are the norm for majority of diseases.
Small hospitals have been doing wonderful service at affordable cost with human touch.
unless the govt encourage small hospitals by providing subsidised inventory&establishment expenses,the health care cost will be shoot up with the present policy of corporatization of health care.
the end sufferer will be  none other than the common man.
all said and done,small hospitals never try to escape from their social responsibility and they are much eager to comply with regulations provided they could get full support from the State & local health authorities.
