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commercialisation of medical education and corporatization of health care.

one of the grave mistake  happening in independent india is crass commercialisation of medical education and corporatization of health care and sheer negligence of public health.
The regulating authority-MCI,within the decade 2000-2010, was set aside twice, once by the Supreme Court and the second time by the government by way of an ordnance. No other regulatory body,Except MCI  has suffered such humiliation.

The three critical functions of the Medical profession: a) curriculum — what is to be taught and for how long; b) accreditation — who is to teach and in what manner; and c) ethical practice — adhering to the best interests of patients. this needs good regulatory framework related to quality of instruction, faculty development, better salary structures and banning private practice

How to control corruption in MCI? By inclusion of Medical research fellows, student representatives and civil society activists as members of the Medical Council. Such openness and transparency is the only effective antidote to an indiscriminate abuse of power.
Ethical medical practice has to be ensured only by an elected body of the MCI,where as curriculum & accreditation can be put under expert wing of MCI. 

Giant malls edging out small grocery stores. big corporate hospitals endangering the small health care establishments leading to cost escalation of health care and non-affordability to massive indian population.
IMA Striving very hard to save small hospitals and to imbibe quality and economy  both in medical education and health care.
