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The Indian Medical Council (IMC) Act,1956

What IMC Act imply?
􀂄The Medical Council of India established in 1934 under the IMC Act, 1933
       Repealed and enacted again in 1956.

1. Medical Council: constitution, composition, mode of election and their restrictions
on nomination and membership.

2. Medical Institutions & Colleges: setting up of colleges, courses and faculty along with
laying down certain rules and regulations

3. Recognition of Medical Qualifications:
􀂄Granted by Universities/Institutions in India
􀂄Granted by Universities/Institutions outside India with a scheme of reciprocity.
􀂄Granted by Universities or Medical Institutions with no scheme of reciprocity.
4. Right of Persons Possessing Qualifications to be enrolled: degree, place of practice,
 holding valid certificate.

If any person who acts in contravention of any provision shall be
punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one
year or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, or both
