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Quack & Quackery?

  • A quack is a person who pretends to have knowledge which he does not possess; 
  • who promises to do what he is either not sure he can perform or what he is certain he cannot perform; 
  • who represents his practice to be more successful than that of other men; 
  • who pretends to cure diseases known and admitted to be incurable; 
  • whose manner is confident and imposing; 
  • whose tone and language are unhesitating and boastful;
  •  who employs remedies, the nature and composition of which he keeps unknownand who deals in specifics and universal remedies. 
  • He is addicted to handbills, newspapers and similar modes of making known his pretensions and proceedings. 
  • This is the quack and the conduct of this man is quackery.
