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Child Cured of HIV
Dr. Deborah Persaud of Johns Hopkins University today described the first documented case of a child being cured of HIV.

Major Delhi hospitals to have new blood-screening technology

To minimise the risk of transmission of infections due to transfusion of donated blood, the cabinet has decided to introduce nucleic acid amplification testing of donated blood in blood banks,which 
will replace the existing enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay which detects infections in respect of HIV, Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C viruses in the donated blood after approximately 21, 60 and 75 days of infections respectively. The period is known as window period.

“The new technology will reduce the duration of window period to 11, 20 and 15 days respectively and therefore would reduce the risk of transmission of infections,

New TB drugs being tested in India.

Indian research institutions are undertaking trials to test drugs, including Bedaquiline, 
Delamanid and PA-824, to treat both drug sensitive and resistant TB.

Injectable hydrogel encourages regeneration and improves functionality after a heart attack

While more people today are initially surviving heart attacks, many will eventually go into heart failure and the data shows, that this hydrogel can increase cardiac muscle and reduce scar tissue in the region damaged by the heart attack, which prevents heart failure. 
These results suggest this may be a novel minimally invasive therapy to prevent heart failure after a heart attack in humans.”
The hydrogel is made from cardiac connective tissue that is stripped of heart muscle cells through a cleansing process, freeze-dried and milled into powder form, and then liquefied into a fluid that can be easily injected into the heart. Once it hits body temperature, the liquid turns into a semi-solid, porous gel that encourages cells to repopulate areas of damaged cardiac tissue and to improve heart function, according to research authority.
