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Dr.Appa's Victory& IMA's success...

Parliamentary panel rejects 

rural healthcare cadre.

MOH-Health minister's enthusiastic proposal of B.Sc community medicine course out rightly
rejected by parliamentary standing committee headed by Sri.Brijesh Pathak.

Just few months back NCHRH Bill was rejected by parliamentary standing committee.
In these two issues , one has to observe -
1.That the MOH's unilateral hurried proposals are not properly exercised and
doesn't give weightage to the stake holders,especially major player like IMA.
2.That IMA  exerts its influence powerfully and fruitfully and the stature of the
 IMA is growing day by day under unified and visionary leadership of Dr.N.Appa Rao
and other distinguished leaders at central and state level.

Thanks to the present team under dr.saini&dr.vijaykumar for successfully continuing
the wonderful work of previous leaders.

3. IMA has to  assist the govt. in filling the vacuum of human resources in rural areas.
