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Snakebite: a forgotten problem:
Even though the mortality due to snake bite (50000 deaths/anum in India) equals of
mortality due to AIDS, our govt.,media,medical fraternity doesn't show enough stress
on this forgotten tropical hazard.
Still,Malnutrition remains major threat to Indian women, 
Women in India face the twin problems of obesity and undernutrition, whereby 
the “fat are becoming fatter” while the “thin continue to remain thin,” a study published last month .Researchers from the University of Toronto and Harvard 
School of Public Health found that as India underwent massive social, economic,
 and demographic changes the mean body mass index of Indian women rose.
Is taking Fishoil Supplements Beneficial?

while eating fish or fish oil might be beneficial consuming fish oil supplements (long chain omega 3 fatty acid supplements) will not have the same beneficial effect for preventing strokes.   The bottom line is that natural fish is helpful and not the supplements of long chain omega 3 fatty acids. Evidently it means the mechanism of the benefit provided by fish is not due to just these long chain omega 3 fatty acids but due to some other reasons. This of course is an open research question now.

A Revolution in the name of  Gene therapy :

Imagine being diagnosed with cancer, a genetic disease, or even age-related deterioration in the morning, given a single injection in the evening, and beginning your recovery the next day. No prescriptions, no lengthy treatments, no difficult decisions between finances and getting better. This is the promise of gene therapy, a promise already being fulfilled.

India launches stroke registry to combat “epidemic”:

India has launched a stroke registry to collect data relating to cases of stroke from institutions and individual specialists across the country, to try to explain the high national incidence of stroke.The registry is being run by the National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research, Bangalore, where staff members have started the process of collating data on stroke patients from institutions and individual specialists who have registered with the programme.
