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How to improve standards in small hospitals?

70% of the hospital beds in India provided by small hospitals
 run by single doctors .
overall quality of care in India would not improve unless these small hospitals, accounting 
for over 70 per cent of the beds in the country, could also be initiated to start on the 
journey to improve quality.

Even though the NABH accreditation is mandatory in future, the small hospitals can start 
with “Level 1″ Certification that would be a stepping stone for these smaller hospitals,
 focused only on infection control – possibly, the most important of the 10 chapters 
required for full accreditation.

Even though,the small hospitals lacking managerial bandwidth and the technical expertise, 
they can establish  Hospital Infection Control Committee (HICC) — to drive compliance 
of agreed protocols and processes by training of all nurses and staff, installing and 
collecting surveillance data on the six Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) — 
needle-stick injuries (NSI), catheter-related bloodstream infection (CRBSI), phlebitis, ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), surgical site infections
 and urinary tract infections.
