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Know about cardiac markers:

  • Total Creatine Kinase : Reference value is 38–174 units/L for men and 96–140 units/L for women. The values begin to rise within four to six hours and peak at 24 hours. Values return to normal within three to four days.
  • CK-MB: Reference value is 10–13 units/L. The values begin to rise within three to four hours and peak at 10–24 hours. Values return to normal within two to four days.
  • Troponin T: Reference value is less than 0.1 ng/mL. The values begin to rise within two to four hours and peak at 10–24 hours. Values return to normal within five to 14 days.
  • Troponin I: Reference value is less than 1.5 ng/mL. The values begin to rise within two to four hours and peak at 10–24 hours. Values return to normal within five to 10 days.
  • CK-MB forms: Reference value is a ratio of 1.5 or greater. The values begin to rise within two to four hours and peak at six to 12 hours. Values return to normal within 12–24 hours.
  • Myoglobin: Reference value is less than 110 ng/mL. The values begin to rise within one to two hours and peak at four to eight hours. Values return to normal within 12–24 hours.
  • Homocysteine: The normal fasting level for plasma is 5–15 micromol/L. Moderate, intermediate, and severe hyperhomocysteinemia refer to concentrations between 16 and 30, between 31 and 100, and less than 100 micromol/L, respectively.
  • C-reactive protein: According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in healthy people, reference values are below 5 mg/dL; in various diseases, this threshold is often exceeded within four to eight hours after an acute inflammatory event, with CRP values reaching approximately 20–500 mg/dL.
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