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Let us train CPR to All.

IMA -Hospital board , appeals all doctors to train compression only CPR and impart hands on knowledge by using mannequins, to all citizens irrespective of their educational status.

For all support, please contact Dr.C.S.Raju-secretary-Hospital Board (9490172569).

It is well known that life is reversible after sudden cardiac arrest in the first 10 minutes provided compression only CPR can be done effectively and continuously by bystanders or single bystander. The revival is based on the Mantra “within 10 minutes of cardiac arrest, compress the chest of the victim effectively and continuously with a speed of 10x10=100 per minute”. If automatic external defibrillators are available, then electric shock should be given before starting Continuous Compression-only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and if the same is not available, one can substitute them with two thumps in the centre of the chest which can be repeated after every two minutes.
