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IMA Wishes "Happy Dussehra"

Dear friends,Auspicious greetings on initiation of dussehra /navaratri celebrations.

MCI derecognized 25 practitioners violating ethics

MCI punished the erring doctors for their unethical behavior. Let us wish the same thing prevail over all systems to correct the deep rooted evils- corruption, nepotism and vote bank politics.
 when the constitutional bodies acts, no one questions their actions but there is a scope for  misunderstanding that one section of professionals felt  discriminated  when other stake holders of the said  illegal activity left with out punishment.

Govt allowing FII & FDIs in to service sectors:
Allowing foreign MNCs in to all fields definitely augurs good for the consumers but strike a death nail to Indian service providers as there is glaring imbalance of financial& techno muscle between the two competitors.
As a nation of largest democracy ,India is in a confused state of mind. Balancing the interests of consumers on one side and service providers on another side is a big tantalizing task for the govt.

Due to our drastic & harsh life style changes , the primary/  agro based sector is in shambles.
Due to the onslaught of china, our secondary or industrial sector is in doldrums.
The remaining largest contributory sector to our economy –service sector, is going to crumple under the dozing wheels of  MNCs.

Service providers want Equal level playing field.
Consumers prefer the best at any cost.

If the  Indian small health care establishments want to stay afloat,  either they have to upgrade their outfits in  all ways by all means  or merge with impending big band wagons.
 But the most intriguing question is, weather our country’s economy is going to flourish or our valuable resources going to be drained out, leaving our country back to square zero & slavery??
"Let us wish the evil be uprooted & sanctity will prevail over all systems"
