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wireless mobile monitoring & ULTRA SOUND- The new mantra for doctors..

  1. can you believe,that  you can slip the Ultra Sound machine in your pocket and do Echo studies any where you want?
  2. Can you believe that you can transform your smart phone as ECG machine by adding credit card size "adaptor" which has two sensors. With  "AliveCor application" in your phone -- and put 2 fingers on each of the sensors of the adaptor to set up a circuit for the heart rhythm, you will get  see an ECG on the phone screen.
  3. do you believe with out finger pricks,you can assess the blood glucose with  a "sensor" that can  be worn on the arm or the abdomen. What's nice about this is that we can just turn on the phone, and every minute we get an update of the  blood glucose right on the opening screen of the phone. 
  4.  a small band aid like adhesive patch called as  iRhythm,  really a neat device, which You put it on your chest for 2 weeks to do  continuous heart rhythm monitoring , and then you mail the patch to concerned hospital. a far better, practical way, as compared to the Holter monitor wireless device. 
  5. a great way to monitor your patients in ICU remotely  from anywhere in the world where you have access to the Web, by the help of a device, which can be used on iPad.
