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why indian doctors leaving for USA ?

For starters, physicians practicing primary care in the U.S. made a median annual salary of $202,392 in 2010, according to the Medical Group Management Association. Those in medical specialties averaged $356,885. 
Compare that to the salary range of $2,300 to $32,300 in India.
so,if we take maximised salaries -
in USA: 3.5LAC $ PER ANUM - becomes 2.5lac $ POST TAX
in india :  35000 $ per anum -becomes 30000 $ post tax.
there is almost 800% difference between USA&INDIA.
But when we take the ppp, (PURCHASE POWER PARITY) -
100k USD income in USA = 33k USD income in India . even then 250% disparity is there. thats why indian doctors leaving their mother country for greener pastures. 


  1. It was nice to see the best information about the Income sources in India and USA. Because of this reason doctors are leaving to USA For better income.
    India is also giving good source to develop on your own .

    Online Doctors Appointment


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